Call For Submissions

Key Focus


The Open Institute is inviting potential presenters to submit proposals based on the main theme of the conference. This includes projects that  are already under implementation or new projects in the incubation phase but with the potential for sustainability and replication. Proposals should align with any of the following tracks; and the same organization can submit more than one proposal: 

Application Procedure

The conference will adopt 2 kinds of session formats: 

1. Presentation Session Formats

Presentation session formats – these are either posters or projects that have been undertaken where the authors can choose to submit either an abstract or the full paper.  

2. Discussion Session Formats

Discussion Session formats – these are proposals for sessions that take the format of break out sessions, panel discussions and round tables.

Submission Deadline

conference sessions

Track 1: Data sharing and collaboration

entails looking at best practices for cross-sectoral and cross-border data sharing, as well as any sectoral enablers for data-driven collaborations within countries (for example across sectors) and good examples and learnings of how to overcome challenges in data sharing and collaboration both within and and outside countries.

Track 2: Data governance for sustainable development

We want to leverage data for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We want to learn more about how integrating environmental, social, and economic datasets for evidence-based decision-making and Ethics and privacy considerations in sustainable development bears both risks and opportunities when it comes to data governance.

Track 3: Data governance for regional integration

focuses on harmonizing data governance frameworks across EAC countries, data interoperability and standards for seamless data integration and strengthening cross-border data flows and partnerships for regional integration. This would also extend to examining any experiences or initiatives that are ongoing on adequacy – and what needs to happen to make this consistent in the region. 

Track 4: Data governance for innovation

focuses on examining if data governance can be an enabler that promotes data-driven innovation ecosystems, supporting startups and SMEs. We want practitioners and policy makers to showcase some of their work on data governance, data marketplaces and monetization strategies through which fostering innovation has or can occur.

Track 5: Data governance for the future of work:

As organizations increasingly rely on emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, issues such as job displacement, biased AI-driven decision-making, and the ethical implications of automation have emerged as significant concerns. Effective data governance can play a crucial role in addressing these challenges by establishing clear frameworks for data management, ensuring transparency, promoting accountability and respect for human and data rights.

Eligibility Criteria

Proposals will be accepted from citizens and residents within the EAC Member countries who are implementing projects around Data Governance. The organizations and practitioners must be duly registered with their respective regulatory or statutory bodies. Presenters submitting the proposals must be directly responsible for the implementation and management of the cited project(s).

” Data governance is not just about protecting data; it’s about empowering a future where data drives positive change and innovation. “


Frequently Asked Questions

The conference aims to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing on data governance among East African Community. It focuses on addressing the challenges and opportunities in data governance to ensure responsible data use and regional integration.

The conference is open to professionals, policymakers, researchers, and practitioners from Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania, with a focus on those involved in data governance and related fields.

Interested participants can submit session proposals through the call for submissions page. Proposals should align with the conference themes and follow the submission guidelines.

Data Governance Frameworks: Exploring effective governance mechanisms and policies for managing data assets and enabling data-driven governance in the East Africa Community countries.